Tuesday, April 26, 2011

.We Have Progress!!.

I may be a bit too excited for my own good...but for Lily, this is big!

She just woke up from a 3 hour nap...completely dry!

So we rushed to the potty and she immediately went #1.

I can't believe how well she has been doing with her potty training. Aaron and I have given her a little push and then let her do the rest at her own pace. Some days she does really well and goes in the potty most of the day. Other days, like yesterday, she refused to go to the potty all day except for once. 

I think she is starting to catch on pretty well and recognize when she has to go now.

Monday, April 25, 2011

.Oh Da Man!.

Lily still refuses to go #2 in the potty.

Earlier today, she went poo poo in her diaper.

As I was changing her, I said "Lily! No poo poo in your diaper!"

Her response..."Oh da man!"

Lily's version of "Oh man!"

Friday, April 22, 2011

.Who's Training Who?.

Lily's potty training has been quite interesting. 

Her manipulation skills are quite advanced for her age.

She has definitely learned that whenever she goes in the potty, she gets a piece of candy. So, she does just that...whenever she wants a piece of candy. 

She REFUSES to go potty anywhere but on the big girl potty. While out running errands yesterday she started frantically yelling "Go Potty Mommy! Go Potty!" So I rushed her into the bathroom at the mall and she went. Then while at Michaels last night, she did the same thing and went potty just like a big girl. 

She still tinkles in her diaper or pull-ups a few times a day and won't go #2 in the potty yet. It is OBVIOUS she gets the concept and that she knows the feeling of when she has to go potty. 

As Lily does, she is just taking her sweet time and doing it her way. One of the many ways she reminds me of her Daddy. :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

.Potty Mommy! Potty!.

I have been hearing that ALL morning long. 

We haven't had a single accident all morning long. 
I am sure that has everything to do with Lily saying she has to go potty every 15 minutes. Then she tinkles the tiniest bit just to get a candy. (Which is truly all she probably can do at this point. I am surprised she has anything left to put in the potty after how many times she has gone!)

I started this morning by calling Lily in to the bathroom after Brookie went this morning and we all got a candy for Brookie going potty. Every since then, Lily has been going like a champ! Brookie loves it too, since we all get a piece of candy every time Lily goes potty.

The funny thing, Lily won't go on her Elmo potty. It HAS to be the big girl potty, WITHOUT a special potty seat. She has to be just like her big sister.

So far, so good. We will see if things continue to go this well as the day and week progress!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

.It's Potty Time!.

Day #1

This was taken right AFTER she sat on the potty and BEFORE her accident.

This could be Day #1 of MANY Day #1's. I remember that it took a few breaks and then trying again until Brookie was completely ready to be potty trained. 

So here it goes!!

Yesterday was the first official Day #1.
It started out with me putting Lily on the potty and keeping her there for 15 mins.
In those 15 mins she refused to do anything, but talk.
Finally, I decided that maybe she just didn't need to go. So I walked her into the bedroom with me, grabbed a shirt and went to put it on her. As I got it over her head I felt a massive amount of wetness falling on my foot. So I grabbed Lily, ran her to the potty and sat her on it. Once again, she refused to do anything. Most of it ended up on my foot and the floor.

Let's hope Day #2 goes MUCH better!